Fault Lines in Israel/Palestine (PSCI 364) is an on-the-ground course in Political Science addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It will be conducted in Israel and the Palestinian Territories over a 10-day period at the end of the Winter Semester every second year. The course will be heavily subsidized, thanks to a grant from the Larry and Judy Tanenbaum Family Foundation.
The course aims to foster understanding, empathy, and a nuanced analysis of Israeli and Palestinian politics and culture using a mixed-methods format (formal lectures and seminar discussions, guided tours of relevant sites, meetings with Israeli and Palestinian cultural figures, policy makers, activists and academics, and informal encounters).
This course is a companion to PSCI 356 Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Students are strongly encouraged to take that course and must take 101, 102 and six additional credits at the 200 level.
Sample itinerary (pdf).
The cost of the trip will be $500 and will include airfare, accommodations, most meals, ground, and insurance. Students will be expected to offset the costs of some meals. Scholarships are available to cover the costs of this program. For more information, please contact Prof. Jamie Levin at @email.
Though we do not meet weekly during the winter semester, a placeholder date/time has been reserved in the academic calendar. If this conflicts with one of your other courses, you will not automatically be able to register for the course on Banner. In such a case, you will need to request an override from the Administrative Assistant, Marcy Baker at @email.

4th Floor Mulroney Hall
2333 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5